Breastfeeding: gentlemen, your moment of glory has arrived
Let's face it: breastfeeding seems to la mother-baby affair, a kind of exclusive duo, a closed club where only members with functioning mammary glands laccepted. But think again, dear co-parents! Behind every satiated baby, there's often a partner behind the scenes, ready to pull out his or her paraphernalia of logistical, emotional and, let's face it, caffeinated support. Welcome to the world of lsupport - because no, your job doesn't swith preparing snacks in the middle of the night.
Become a lactation wingman
The concept is simple: if your companion is the captain of the milky ship, you're the first mate on board, responsible for making sure lcrew holds together. This starts with a key role: providing food. Successful breastfeeding also means a well-fed mother, with good food to encourage lactation! Because if she spends three hours a day with a baby at her breast, she doesn't exactly have the leisure to prepare a quinoa-avocado-chia worthy of the foodie influencers we adore (or hate, depending on your point of view). So prepare her a real meal, healthy, balanced and delicious (even if it surprises you, these three adjectives go very well together). There's no doubt she'll love you forever (or at least until the next milk comes in).
Lart of night-time crisis management
A little secret: night feeds are not an urban legend. They do exist. And they sting. While baby's being stuffed like an all-you-can-eat buffet at 3:17 a.m., you've got two options: play lsleepy wax statue (but at your peril) or prove that you're a real MVP (Most Valuable Player) of co-parenting. You can, for example, fetch a glass of water, adjust the nursing pillow like a pro, fetch the mini-person and put her to the breast yourself, or simply offer a sympathetic look and a whisper of "you've got this, really". Spoiler: it works!
Become an expert in support equipment
We're not just talking about nursing pillows, but all lmodern paraphernalia that turns a feed into a semi-luxury experience. Brush up on your vocabulary: what's the ejection reflex, what's breast engorgement and mastitis, and what's a short tongue-tie? When it comes to equipment, make sure your other half is perfectly equipped. She needs her breasts (you don't need to do anything about that, of course) and a stylish Milk Away outfit that combines practicality and style (you're entering the scene with the best present of her life ... apart lthe fruit of your love, of course). Because yes, ldoesn't mean the mother has to turn into a hermit in a shapeless t-shirt with strategic holes. So give her a pretty Milk Away top and remind her that she's badass and always the most beautiful in your eyes. And while you're at it, become a breast pump expert: yes, that strange object that looks like something out of a sci-fi movie, but can save many a night (and many a baby-free night out!).
Close protection
Another mission: to be the official bodyguard of lactation. This means gently but firmly fending off unsolicited comments from Aunt Josiane who thinks "a bottle would be easier", or the colleague who thinks "a breastfed baby after three months is still weird" or "what, she breastfeeds on demand? Your role is to be a bulwark against larmy of self-proclaimed breastfeeding experts. We assure you, it's worth all the medals in the world.
The post-summer superhero
There's the before, the during and, of course, the after. Once you Lve finished breastfeeding, it's up to you! Grab the parcel and take care of everything that ldoing: burping the baby, changing the diaper, taking 1,000 steps around the living room table until lbaby falls asleep, and so on. Frankly, you don't have to look far ... there are always a thousand things to do during l, but also everywhere and all the time, so that your partner can recover as quickly as possible from her Iron Mom.
The master of relaxation
A suckling baby is cute, but being a mother with one feeding after another is exhausting. Offer her a massage, a nap, a hot bath or a moment without baby. Offer her an episode of her favorite TV series, an outing with her friends (while you deal with the beast) or just ten minutes of sacred silence (believe us, silence is a very underrated gift once you become a parent).
Bonus: if you can manage a full night's sleep on a bottle of breast milk, you'll be officially inducted into the Perfect Partners Hall of Fame .
Ssum up: you are indispensable
No, you're not breastfeeding, and no, you'll never have to deal with an unexpected rush of milk in the middle of a Zoom meeting. But your role is crucial. Breastfeeding Lan endurance sport where support changes everything. So, dear co-parents, don your invisible cape and become the unsung heroes of breast milk. Your partner will thank you, and so will your baby.
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Kelly Sikkema - Unsplash