How to protect a baby from the sun?
Lhe summer is finally here! Whether you're on vacation or not, you want to fill up on vitamin D and enjoy outdoor activities (or just relax). What could be more normal, especially after being cooped up for so long? Great, breastfeeding garments from Milk Away let you live an active life this summer and breastfeed discreetly everywhere. But make sure you protect your baby from the sun!
In summer and winter alike, the sun's UV rays penetrate even through clouds and reach us. Lt would therefore be ideal to protect children, as well as adults, all year round l. Especially as the skin of infants and young children is still immature and therefore particularly fragile. Find out everything you need to know to save your baby's skin (literally and figuratively) this summer.
You only have to spend a few minutes on the terrace, by the pool or on the beach to spot children who are poorly protected from the sun. Most parents obviously want to do the right thing, but they lack knowledge on the subject. The result? More than 33% of children under the age of three have already had serious sunburn... (according to a study by Newpharma). Burns that should not be taken lightly and which, depending on the frequency and severity, can cause irreversible damage and lead to serious skin diseases in adulthood... If repeated, these inflammatory reactions significantly increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Every year in Belgium, there are no less than 37,000 new cases of melanoma. We should not take the sun's effects lightly, however young we may be, because it doesn't just happen to others!
"This is a reality that my son Doug's godmother can sadly attest to, as she developed skin cancer when she was just 20 years old." Aurélie, Milk Away MUM.
What are the best ways to avoid sunburn?
Most of these recommendations are applicable at the beach, in the mountains and at the playground, in the city or even through the car window
- Do not expose your child to the sun during the hottest part of the day. Although in theory, the ideal would be no exposure at all. A child doesn't care whether he or she is tanned or not... From 11am to 4pm, the sun's rays are the most aggressive. You don't tan faster when you are exposed during these hot hours, you just burn faster. Plan activities indoors (games, meals, naps) or in the shade (walks) and go outside to enjoy the good weather at the end of the afternoon.
- Don't let your child play in the sun for too long, even if they are well protected. In addition to sunburn, your child can quickly suffer from dehydration, heatstroke or even sunstroke, which will mean a trip to the doctors or emergency room. The ultimate in holiday fun! Also remember to offer your child water at least every hour. Choose fresh fruit snacks (which naturally contain water) or make homemade popsicles with fresh fruit juice to limit the amount of sugar.
- Apply high protection sun cream SPF 50+ generously to your child's face and body. Be meticulous and don't forget any area, any folds: back of the knees, inside of the elbows, folds of the ankles and wrists, toes, ears, neck, sunburn on these areas of the body is particularly painful. There is a wide and varied range of quality sun protection products on the market. It doesn't matter which brand or texture you use (oil, cream, milk, gel, mist, etc. Note, however, that the oilier the texture, the more resistant it is), check that the sun care product protects against UVB (responsible for burns) and UVA (responsible for premature skin ageing). Reapply every 30 minutes ideally, at least every hour and after each swim. Take note that chemical sunscreens only become effective 30 minutes after application, whereas mineral sunscreens are effective immediately. Another important factor to take into account is that after opening, sunscreen remains effective for only one year. It is, therefore, essential to buy a new one every year to guarantee maximum protection.
- Cover your child with light, appropriate clothing; UV-resistant swimwear (beware of the mirror effect of the water, which accelerates sunburn), t-shirt, hat, glasses, etc. When it comes to sun protection, too much is better than not enough. By the way, if you're a cap fan, Milk Away has a nice surprise for you. #Staytuned!
- Sit your baby on a towel rather than on the sand, as 20% of UV rays are reflected by the sand. Also be careful with light reflection on the water.
If, despite all your precautions, you find sunburn on your baby's skin, do not try to soothe the burn with an ice cube. Ice is the worst temperature for the skin. Putting an ice cube directly on the skin can cause another cold burn. Soothe the area with a soothing thermal water mist and aloe vera-based after-sun care, for example. In case of a real burn (swelling, blistering, etc.), consult a doctor and use more medical creams such as Biafine, Flamazine, etc. If, after exposure to the sun, you notice that your baby has a temperature, is listless, off his food, vomits, etc., consult a doctor as soon as possible, as he or she may be suffering from dehydration.
The earlier you learn to protect yourself from the sun's harmful rays, the better! Spread the word around you. And above all, enjoy your summer! And why not, in our long La Vie en rose dress?

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